Pods of Inspiration

I have become really aware of happiness this week, and what part that plays in the creative process! The love that surrounds me, the singing and dancing around the house...the silly stuff that just makes me giggle right out loud! When I am totally aware of it all...when I let myself be in the moment with it..WOW!
I realize how content I am...those "little" annoying things no longer throw me out of wack, or take over me! (Remember that saying: "Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill")I am not sure why I do that, but I must admit that I do...And yet this week I am totally aware of "mole hills" and I have not made them into "mountains" and I am so PROUD of myself!! I am just singing and dancing in all the HAPPY around me! WOW AGAIN! So that is my wish for you today, that you WOW yourself with an awareness of your happy! That you do not make mountains out of mole hills, or if you start to you stop and say..HEY THAT'S A MOLE HILL! LOL!!! Because, those mole hills usually take care of themselves with time, and a small smoke bomb!! So enjoy your day, sing and dance in your happiness...It is a beautiful thing!
Artfully Yours,


Down To Earth Fare said...

Thanks for reminding me to just stop and LOL and say, "Hey! That's a mole hill!"

Thanks for inviting me to your blog! It gets one big WAY COOL from me!!!

Continue having a happy week.

Patricia J. Mosca said...

Thanks Nicky....visit often, stay awhile...put up your feet...have a cup of coffee and a smile!