Blogging Gone Wild!

What is it about blogging that has such a strong pull for me? I post every day to at least one of my blogs..and we all know I have a few!! It keeps me in check with myself .. with my art...with my soul. It allows me to connect with YOU who come to visit...who leave comments or e mail me. It is a virtual journal of life...a feeling of being connected as I sit alone in my studio, the solitary area of an artist. It is here that I can post something and hope that someone will read it, or see a piece of art and know what I was feeling. Or that it might evoke a feeling in them that speaks to their core. It is being able to meet and make friends in place I have only dreamed of traveling to...people that I will probably never meet in my life time, but who I have formed friendships and bonds with that time and space cannot hinder. What is it about blogging that has such a strong pull for me? It is as simple as typing a word or posting a picture and being heard...even if no one else is there. I ask you today...What is it about blogging that brings you here today for a visit...and won't you take a moment and introduce yourself as you read these lines....WELCOME...take a look at the side bar..I have a couple more too!! LOL...
Artfully Yours,
PS: If you like to alter things...I just started a new blog: The Buck STARTS Here. It is a challenge for all those who like to alter or are new to it (like I am!) where I will be purchasing things from the dollar store to alter and challenge you to do the same! Come on could be fun and you never know who you might meet!!


the glitzy gypsy said...

i come to this blog-to see what my friend is up to and what feelings she can shake up in me! I am just starting my blog life--and am enjoying it too much!
Bliss Happens!
brenda bliss
who can't wait to do dollar days!

Lisa said...

Wow Pattie! Sometimes I just pick one of your blogs so I can catch up with you, but today I picked a doozie. I love the story of your clock and SARK! And the pic is wonderful. It's so good to see your smiling face.

I love blogging. I wish that it were as easy to spot kindred spirits in person. Perhaps that is why people get tattoos or have specialized plates. It's sort of a mini-profile; an instant calling out to others who might find interest in the same things. I am grateful for this medium and for finding friends of like mind and heart.

Now I'm off to your altering blog. This sounds like a ton of fun!

Journal Swag said...

Hi Pattie! The link in your post for the "Buck stops here" doesn't work. Do you still have it?
