Coffee Thoughts...

I know I usually list the 5 things I am grateful for on Sunday, but today, I am having coffee thoughts instead....Although I am grateful for more than 5 things today I am prompted to write about something else as I am drinking my 3rd cup of Joe!!
I have been taught that crying is a sign of weakness...that one must be strong for not only yourself but for others...So today, I ask you....when was the last time you had a good cry?? I don't mean the silent kind...I mean a good all out sobbing....the kind with the nose-running cry?
And why is it that we allow our self to believe that something terrible is going to happen if we let go and do this???
Now, some of us only cry at funerals...some of us cry at happy moments (weddings..births) ..some of us cry at commericals and movies...but it has come to my attention this morning that crying is a very cleansing thing! For one thing it removes pollutants from our body (yes, there have been studies done about this!!...and they have found that we let loose different chemicals for the different emotions that cause us to cry...but real tears contain a level of toxic substances that the body is eliminating through crying) It is a way to get rid of the "junk"...
I think most people don't show unpleasant emotions...we are somehow programmed to "put on a good face"...don't let anyone know that things might NOT be as rosy as they appear on the outside.
I for one happen to cry a little more when given that I can expose myself to a stranger...they really don't know me so they do not have the ability to judge me as being weak or strong...I also tend to cry if I have had a cocktail or two.... Letting down my defenses...(not always the best thing, but it does happen to the BEST of us)
Crying can be both isolating and liberating....but I am finding and reminding myself that it is a good thing to do...a healthy thing to do because you are being true to your is a normal thing to do and a natural thing to do....So I am refusing to feel shameful or weak or remorseful...
It is an important part to finding ways to bring us peace in our life...its a stress reducer and it actually...scientifically has been found to be good for you....
So, if you need one...go ahead...grab the kleenex and have yourself a good cleansing cry...before...after or even during your cup of coffee.
Artfully Yours,


Unknown said...

i actually had a gut wrenching, sobbing from my toes cry's good to release that prolactin and even better to release the grief that was at the root of the emotionality in the first place...

Square-Peg Karen said...

Pattie, this is awesome. i fight tears..hold them back until they won't stay back..but why? well..sinus are SO right..crying is healing, cleansing, necessary!

I want to honor that need more often instead of pushing them back. Usually the only tears that come out easily and that i canNOT hold back are ones when i hear beautiful stories- things that you know had help from the universe -the source - you know? those just bubble up and will NOT stay put..but even this is recent..i swear i spent the first 40 yrs of my life NEVER crying..and was afraid that if i started i'd never stop..this is a great reminder! thank how you affirm us!!

lee said...

okay today is the day I feel I am on the verge on a sue okieffe say's a gut wrenching cry. So I am just going to let it go and do it. Hopefully I will feel better after it.

NicciN said...

Thank you for this. I cry a lot too. And have often been judged for it in the past. Thanks for this reminder of the cleansing aspect of it. It is a way to release.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I totally agree that we should be constantly is a state of thankfulness! My last all out cry was this past weekend when I was attending a yoga convention. I feel so much better! Clearer in the head and chest. There truly is something positve of just letting go! Have a great evening.
Joan Nichols-Rochester
PS I hope it is ok that I listed you on my blog as a favorite and put in a link.

Charlie said...

I cry all the time when I'm alone. I cried this morning. Not a gut wrenching cry like Sue is talking about but a nice release anyway. I don't cry in front of too many people. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
So go ahead and cry. I know it will make you feel better.

Doe Grozs Art said...

I cry in the car. It's usually triggered by a song.. and I know it's just stress building and I need to release... but my last big cry, heavy sobs, runny nose cry was when I was in Peru and found out my husband was in the hospital (at home)and I didn't know what the heck to do. Thankfully, I had the most amazing woman with me to help me through it.
crying is so releasing....... and feels good afterwards.

laurel said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I hate it when someone starts to appologize for tears welling up or for actually crying. It is a necessary part of the cleansing process.