June 5, 2009

Today is a day of toasting myself with a big cup of LOVE...self love! How by dipping into the soul vitamin of my creativity daily I can see a better picture...or paint a pretty picture!! I have been working in the yard...getting ready to trim some bushes and I discovered not 1 but 3 birds nests in those bushes that line my yard....So the trimming will have to wait for another month while the families that live there hatch and nurture their new little ones....I eyed these beautiful nests...these found objects of art...bits of paper and string...old plastic...dirt and leaves...all lovingly gathered to make a warm nest to rest and raise a little one or two....I saw these nests with new eyes today....the beautiful work of a busy bird going about its day with a song...and I am reminded to be more like the bird and be a little more comfortable in my own nest...and use my wings a little more....and sing a song that will make the art more beautiful....
Artfully Yours,


Journal Swag said...

I'm so glad that you are the type of lady who knows loving herself is important. It's taken me 52 years to learn the importance of this... not that I have reached that goal yet, but I know it's important, and I am working on it. I love most of me!

Love you!

Cheryl @ Mandala Oasis said...

This is a beautiful reflection..and inspiring too. Ahh..to be like the mama bird, feathering her nest while in song. Yes, something to learn from her...and you. Thank you.