Getting ready to Laugh!
The Awe-manac has a crop for every month that will open your imagination to possibilities or at the very least, a short but forceful laugh through your nose.
I'm ready to laugh!! Are you?
Artfully Yours,
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
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Are you getting ready????
Illustrations in The Awe-manac subliminally help you release thought processes that keep you stuck creatively and life fully. Beware: Reading The Awe-manac may create the change you were hoping for.
Artfully Yours,
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
1 other voices
Counting Down...4 DAYS TILL START DAY!
You know how you can read a quote and feel somehow fortified? Well, that's what Soul Vitamins are, they are quotes that change the way we look at the world and ourselves. You are encouraged to copy the ones that fortify you the most in the Medicine Cabinet in the back so you can take a dose of mind-changing, life enhancing inspiration at a glance when you need it.
This is from the Awe-Manac book by Jill Badonsky....
I'M READY TO BEGIN....with a dose of soul vitamins!! ARE YOU?
Artfully Yours,
PS: you can order it here...AMAZON
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
other voices
Do You Have It Yet?
Jill Badonsky's new book is out....DO YOU HAVE IT YET???? A friend sent me a copy for a Christmas gift....It's not to late....grab it and start with me on January 1st as I get my daily dose of wonder!!
You can get it at Amazon
(just click the link!!) Give yourself a gift of JOY this Christmas....and stay tuned in the new year Jill is going to be right here and interviewed by little old me!!
Artfully Yours,
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
other voices
Press the LINK!!! and turn on the SOUND!
(remember to turn on your sound!!)
Artfully Yours,
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
other voices
coffee talk...
I was visiting a friend of mine on line and she was talking about a COLOR personality test that she had taken...So I quickly went to YAHOO and found one to take....
This was my result:
YOUR RESULT: Blue Violet
Blue colors your world with emotion. You seldom jump right in, preferring to stand back and watch people and situations closely. Blue people are calm, but can also spiral into sadness. With so much emotion, tears of happiness, sadness, anger, or frustration are quite common.
Sounds RIGHT to me!! LOL...
Press the YAHOO link to take the test...Press the friend link to visit Terri!
Artfully Yours,
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
other voices
A story of the season...
ST. LOUIS – At a suburban Goodwill store on Friday, Theresa Settles selected a large, black comforter to warm her family until she can raise the money to turn the gas heat back on. A petite woman approached, her face obscured by dark sunglasses and a wrapped winter scarf, and handed Settles two $100 bills stamped with the words "secret Santa." "The only condition," she said, "is that you do something nice for someone. Pass it on."
"I will," Settles said, the only words she could get out of her mouth.
The secret Santa was a protege of Kansas City's undercover gift giver, Larry Stewart, who died of cancer nearly two years ago. Stewart roamed city streets each December doling out $100 bills to anyone who looked like they might need a lift.
Before his death in January 2007, Stewart told a friend how much he would miss his 26 years of anonymous streetside giving, during which he gave away about $1.3 million. Stewart, from the city suburb of Lee's Summit, made millions in cable television and long-distance telephone service.
The friend promised Stewart he would be a secret Santa the next year. "He squeezed my hand and that was it," said the Kansas City Santa, who would say only that he was an area businessman and investor. "I honored a promise."
Two secret Santas, one from the Kansas City area and the other from the St. Louis area, descended on thrift stores, a health clinic, convenience store and small auto repair shop to dole out $20,000 in $100 bills, hugs and words of encouragement to unsuspecting souls in need.
In this economy, they weren't hard to find.
Cynthia Brown, 40, was laid off three weeks ago from her food service job. Santa found her at the St. Louis County health clinic and gave her $100, exactly what she had asked to borrow from her mother a night ago to buy food.
"I have three daughters, and I can't get unemployment yet. I was down in food," she said.
Leotta Burbank, 50, of West Frankfurt, Ill., was at a thrift store Friday to buy decorations for her sister-in-law's room at a St. Louis hospice, where she is dying of pancreatic cancer.
When Santa gave her money, Burbank collapsed into his arms and wouldn't stop hugging him.
"God provides," she said. "This is real emotional for me."
For the secret Santas, it's not about keeping Stewart's memory alive as much as the meaning behind his legacy.
"It's not about the man, it's not about the money, it's about the message," the Kansas City Santa said. "Anyone can be a secret Santa with a kind word, gesture, a helping hand."
He said the money is given without judgment, but on the condition that the receiver pass along a kindness to someone else. Stewart began his holiday tradition at a restaurant in December 1979, after he had just been fired. He gave a waitress $20 and told her to keep the change and was struck by her gratitude.
Stewart also gave money to community causes in Kansas City and his hometown of Bruce, Miss.
The secret Santa's want to expand their operation to every state, but so far only nine givers operate in Charlotte, N.C., Phoenix, St. Louis and Kansas City. They plan to start giving in Detroit this holiday season.
I realize that we cannot ALL do this...but there is something that we ALL can do and that is smile a little more at those that we pass every day...Give a warm and sincere greeting of the holiday season...Donate a little time...give from your heart even if it is a scarf that you made to someone in need...Give a gift to the needy bin at the $1.00 store...Just one small light up someone else's heart...and in return will light up yours...
Artfully Yours,
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
1 other voices
My HOME BOYS and I want to make you DANCE!!
Artfully Yours,
Pattie (the dancing elf!!)
Posted by
Patricia J. Mosca
1 other voices