DE-LURK WEEK! I am smiling at you!! LOL ...I have just visited Janet's blog and found out that it is DE-LURKER week....So give a shout...leave a note...let me know you have been here! And do the same for all the blogs you visit...It is nice to know you!! See I am not as scary as my tattoo profile page!! LOL....
Have a deliciously creative day!
Artfully Yours,


Janet said...

Thanks for the link, and for de-lurking on my blog! It's always fun to see a new name in the comments. And, no, you aren't scary at all!!

xxxxx said...

How lovely to see your radiant face in blogland this morning!!!

the glitzy gypsy said...

Hi Pattie!!!

I love your picture!! Your art reflects your smile--so keep smiling and keep creating!!!!!!
love ya
brenda bliss