April 5, 2009

Up and creating early today! Sometimes you just have to weigh it out....and this morning was one of them....putting the most important things at the top of the list and eliminating some of the things that just don't belong there today....Today, is one of those days where I thought I had time for a deadline....and now realize the deadline is almost here and I haven't even started the project!! Got to love the clutter of a creative mind.....But NO WORRIES!! This is when I actually do some of my best work....not putting so much thought into "perfect" but rather going straight to the task! No inner critic....no time to be bothered with it!! One of the prompts was to make a spice rack....So I spice up my life today with a dash of this and a pinch of that!...I kiss the day with creativity and I pucker up to show myself the passion of it....Sun is out....and I am having fun...fun...fun!! So the day that was suppose to be filled with a little mundane....JUST GOT WAY BETTER ....well...as least as far as I am concerned!!
Artfully Yours,

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