April 3rd, 2007
What can you do to help pets in need
A Place to Bark
By Pattie Mosca
"At the close of life the question will be not how
much have you got, but how much have you given; not
how much have you won, but how much have you done;
not how much have you saved, but how much have you
sacrificed; how much have you loved and served, not
how much were you honored."
- Nathan C. Schaeffer
I found this quote today, and just had to share it with all of you. Because this is an article that lives this quote to the fullest extent!
"LIVING A GOOD LIFE" is a painting I did in honor of a dog named Blue that my son rescued from an abusive home. We all so love our pets, but there are people who do not treat them as the beautiful spirits that they are. So what could an artist from upstate New York do about this? And what can you do?
One day while surfing the net (you know those times when you click and click and click!). I was directed to a wonderful site called A Place To Bark. It was here that I was introduced to an artist named Bernie Berlin!
Well, it tugged on my heart so much because of the amazing work this woman is doing to rescue animals. She works non-stop in her effort to save animals, along with her husband and friends. The number of animals she has taken in grows and grows. She moved to Tennessee in December of 2005 and has taken care of, housed, transported, and found homes for over 300 animals. The sad thing is that since moving, she has seen too many animals being needlessly put down.
Bernie and her husband live on 20 acres and have dreams of building a shelter to help foster the animals and keep her passion of saving them alive. So she put out the call for Artists to share their gifts of art to help save the lives of these beloved creatures. She offers the donated art on eBay auctions to help underwrite some of the out-of-pocket expenses she incurs doing this work.
So I HAD to donate! I had to help spread the word to others! Sometimes we think that one person cannot do anything to change how the world is. But Bernie is proving this wrong! She is an amazing spirit with a heart that is pure love for these animals.
So what can you do?? Run your fingers over this link and go to the auction! Get a great piece of art, and support a woman's efforts to make the world a better place!
If you want to do MORE!! Well, Bernie and her animals can always use things that we have or can send: Old towels, blankets, baby blankets, toys, collars, leashes, food, microscope slides, muzzles, and cat litter, for instance. Every little bit helps!
Learn more about Bernie and the work that she is doing by going to: . I dare your heart strings not to be pulled! As for me . . . I am off to create something to honor Bernie and her work. I am feeling good today that I was able to help in my small artistic way a cause that is bigger than me. But before I do that, I am going to kiss the top of all my kitties, whisper in their ears how much I adore and love them, and thank them for being such a big part of my life!
Artfully Yours, Pattie
Pattie Mosca is a true believer in the power of creativity for happiness and bliss! As a surface designer, she does original and custom pieces that are collected by clients worldwide. Pattie paints furniture and other objects, as well as mixed media and art journals. She has the honor of doing her creativity daily! She lives in
Thank you for writing this article for the Artella Daily Muse, Pattie! Love your blog!!!!
Hello dear pattie,
what is a Muse group facilitator and & a Kaizen-Muse coach?
I'm intrigued;)
thanks for your kind comments as usual!
you know it's not one artwork I have submit to that famous magazine!
it's all my art,my artist profile and my tips about my creative process that maybe was too weird and philosophic for that magazine?
Goddess knows?
I loved writing that creative process so I'll have to share it somewhere:)
maybe on my website when my love will update and improve it a bit as it's not that easy to go in each galleries right now:)
I think their excuse that my art techniques were too similar is a bit exagerrated!
I haven't bought any art magazine ever yet but I'm quite sure they publish artists who look alike in their techniques or the fact they make fairy or birds or cages etc
anyways, I've picked up my ego in smithereens & though it's now very difficult for me to begin a new artwork I hope to do something very unique and different!
oh God! I'm putting too much pressure ;-)
no seriously I want to express,whatever I'll never stop making art, I can't deny the screams of my muse to be seen!
blessed,happy easter if you celebrate it( I don't ;) happy weekend and take care!
oh and thank article in artella was great! it's beautiful to give to others, to help, I only can admire that!
I have so many ideas for these but being hum what you'd say rather poor I can't afford to volunteer now.
I do know there is poorer than me of course, I have a roof above my head, but goddess It's still not easy to pay all bills, eat right everyday etc...but all in all I've said I try to content myself with few:)
I still am waiting for our new life to begin soon around'll all be so different.
I'm kinda scared and I'm curious too:)
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