There is something about that morning coffee...the first cup that gets me going!! I can be alone with it in the silence of the studio or I can be sharing it with someone...What it does is gets me moving...gets my thoughts flowing...makes me aware of what is going on around me as I sip slowly the hot liquid...So here I am this morning...With my:
(or questions for a journal while sipping coffee or having a cup with someone)
1. This morning I am aware that I have had 5 days of JOY! Of getting to know and discovering more about myself and others over many cups of coffee...
2. How can you hold onto the present moment without jumping so far into the future (the dreams...the hopes) that you miss what is right in front of you as the coffee brews?
3. How much of yourself do you...can you...should you..would you...really share of yourself? I mean, do you expose yourself to the bone making yourself vulnerable even to yourself?
4. Can you capture a moment from each day to make a memory? Can you etch that memory into yourself so that it becomes a part of you?
Seeing as this is the first time I have actually done this...These are my thoughts this morning without struggling to make myself come up with anything...Perhaps some Saturdays the thoughts will be many...perhaps thoughts at all!! certainly starts my morning off...
Artfully Yours,
PS: What thoughts do you have this morning??