INTRODUCING: Sheila Earhart of Halo Hill...

This is a photo of just a sampling of what Sheila Earhart of Halo Hill does as an artist. Now, I can't remember exactly what pointed me to Sheila's blog last year...perhaps it was a friend...a link...a group...but I left her a comment (yes, it is nice to let people know that you visited!) and we have become great internet friends since. Sheila lives in Oregon, and makes these beautiful charms, not to mention that she collects and sells antiques, has a family life, works outside of her home, blogs, has an etsy store front, keeps in contact, sends out love, and is a simply amazing woman.... I would like to take this moment to introduce her to you! Sit back...grab a cup of coffee and learn a little more about her...I think you will see that she is just one of the SPECIAL ones!! I know I feel that way!

Good Morning Sheila...Thanks for joining me here at ARTFULLY YOURS...All of us on the net have a wonderful life connecting with others, and even though we may never meet each other in real life, there is a certain bond that we share and one of them is the creative process...So, that is what I would like to talk with you about today....

Pattie:. Where do you create and when?
Sheila: If I'm doing collaging for my charms, I do that in my easy chair with my green bucket full of watercolor pencils (can't get enough). When I get to the glittering and gluing, and soldering, I am at the kitchen table. I am slowly getting my studio created, de-cluttered and squared away. When I do journaling/doodling/coloring, trying out new things, I usually sit in my favorite chair, with a pillow propped on my lap as a "table". When I'm painting backgrounds for journaling or collage I do it on the kitchen counter.

Pattie:. Where do you really wish that you could create? And why do you think that would be a better environment?
Sheila: I want to be in my new studio. Of course, I would like it to be PRETTY first, but I am not going to wait until then. I've started today. It is taking shape. I wish I had one of those cute little shed/workshop/studio places out back with windows and a coffee pot, nice tables and tons of storage, mostly in the form of old cabinets with tiny drawers. I would have billowy sheets hanging everywhere to cover things and divide areas. The colors would be everything from bright white to cream, beige and all they way to brown. No other colors to distract me, as my art work tends to be bright for the most part. This would be awesome because I think I would feel organized, and it sounds like such a haven. Ahhhh, I can see it now! White roses with pink tips in silver pieces everywhere.

Pattie:. What gets your creative energy flowing?
Sheila: I've been thinking of this question a lot lately. For me, there seem to be so many answers to that question. Earlier I was folding a freshly laundered vintage tablecloth straight from the dryer. The colors were beautiful and bright, and you guessed it... so are my journal pages this evening. I get inspiration from magazines, from a word, a book, vintage sheet music, words ripped from old books to collage with. I say a little prayer right before I do a custom charm, and it has really unleashed something, I can't explain it. I have had so many people email or call me to tell me "there is no way you could have known this but..." I put a number or 2 on each tiny collage for charms, as visual interest, or design. I had a lady tell me last month, that her son had been in a terrible accident and she was praying for a sign he would be okay. She went to the mailbox, had received the charm and the number I had glued there was her son's birth year. She said it really helped her. A friend of mine had her son pass away last year, and I of course prayed before I started, and a saying ripped from an old book of prose fell into my lap as I was working. It didn't make any sense to me, because it was a butterfly, so I called to ask her, and she started crying. They had decided that would be their sign when he had gone. Another phrase "fell" into my lap and I made an extra charm for her with it. It spoke to her and blessed her a lot. I'm not saying I'm special "that" way, but I am very happy and blessed that these meaningful things happen and I get to hear about it!

Pattie:. What is the BIGGEST hurdle that you have over come?
Sheila: Really, the biggest hurdle for me was being able to call myself an "artist" I mentioned that at a class I was in during Art Fest a few years ago and the ladies there made me say it. The most encouraging person was Hope of Paper Relics. I must tell her what a profound effect that had on me. I am an artist!

Ok, one more... I was told Photoshop was too hard to learn on "one's own" reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I thought! Of course I stayed at it a few evenings, and I'm really getting there! I just created my own line of journals and postcards and have some listed in my Etsy shop!

Pattie:. Do you have a "special" time or place where you get your inspiration? (ie: the shower...upon waking...a walk).
Sheila: It seems I don't have a specific place or time, it can happen anywhere... in the shower, seeing someone on the street on my way into work, the huge leaves on the ground when I walk into work, a song. I LOVE the song "Life Uncommon" by Jewel. It speaks to me so strongly, I love the music, and the words are so very powerful. It inspires me so much! I hear it is kind of against blog etiquette to put a song on your blog, but I think I may have to do this one. It may speak to someone else who may visit my blog!

Pattie:. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Sheila: GOSH, can I have two favorites? Butter Pecan and Tin Roof Sundae!
My Etsy Shop:

Thanks for visiting with us today Sheila....May you continue to FLY ON THE WINGS OF YOUR CREATIVE DREAM! And inspire others here to do so also....I am the proud owner of one of your wonderful charms and wear it when I need to be reminded of my own dreams...As for me...well...even though it is still morning here....I think I will just have to go and get a hot fudge sundae...chocolate ice cream covered in hot fudge and stawberries....and partake in it while I dream about my next creative project!!
Artfully Yours,


Cheryl Finley said...

What an inspiring interview, Pattie! I love what you're doing here..touching and inspiring so many souls.

much love,

Journal Swag said...

Oh, thank you so much Pattie! How very sweet you are, my friend. You brighten my day so many times, I can't tell you. I do REALLY think we'll meet someday though! Thank you for the thought provoking questions, your creativity and the love and caring that come from you with hardly a mention of what hard things you might be going through yourself. We'll "meet in the middle" sometime for sure! Thank you again!


Colette George said...

wonderful interview, I enjoyed getting to know Sheila more!
Thank you, Colette