Reflection Fr "I" day...

It seems that the older I get the faster the time goes by! Perhaps it is because I am so wanting to do so much more, now that I am older. There just does not seem to be enough hours in any given day to do everything that is on my list!(remember when you were a kid and you use to tell your mother you were board?!Well those days are long gone!!) I am staying the course however! I am not giving up! I am standing on my tip toes reaching up toward my stars and waiting to spread those wings open wider than I can possiably imagine! I have so many things that I want to do!! I am traveling very rapidly these days, and I really am liking this fast pace (at least at the moment!) I am working on so many things right now, the paintings, the wall art, my daily affirmation book, the altered book exchange, getting ready to go to California (I have a Kaizen-Muse Conference that I will be attending in 2 weeks!) and then of course there is just the daily stuff, the bed needs to be made, dishes, wash, bathrooms cleaned...*you know the really fun stuff!! Books to be read, phone calls to be made!! But, I am finding the time and space for it all, and that is making me so very happy. So that is my wish for you today. That you take all that you do, and make it happy! Whistle while you work!!! Sing a song, make a painting, dance~~I will leave you today with a quote from Robert Fulghum......
"Be aware of wonder, live a balanced life, learn some and think some and draw and paint and sew and sing and dance and play and work every day some!"
Artfully Yours,

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