Pair in a chair

I have a new machine for my photos...and it is taking me a while to figure out how to download them...But here is the photo I promised in the beginning of the week for the other doll that went off to California for the magazine review board....A Pair In A Chair!! ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

Pattie--I'm so PROUD of you!!! They're gorgeous and what is even more gorgeous is your commitment to entering, and increasing your "being known" factor! I wish you the best of luck, and wanna say thanks also for modelling some incredible discipline!!!!

Nancy V-B

Patricia J. Mosca said...

Thanks Nancy....You know me I aim to please!! LOL

Anonymous said...

The Promised Land of International Recognition for your creative talent awaits you! Your impressive work spreads smiles and happiness to all who have the good fortune of experiencing it!

Royce in Key West