The first day of spring is really only 3 days away, and here in upstate NY we are experiencing one heck of a snow storm...Now, just to let you know how bad it is outside, I have been in my pj's all day because I knew I was not going anywhere...I locked myself in, and had coffee, created art, talked on the phone...and then did it all over again!! LOL...It has been a blessing of a day. This piece is two fold...one, it is for the 6 by 6 swap and two, it will be used as a visual online for a daily newspaper hopefully next month. Now again, if you have not had the pleasure of experiencing this wonderful on line creative newspaper you owe yourself the 2 FREE days to experience it! You can go to: http://www.artellawordsandart.com/members.htmlThis community of artist are supportive and this site has so much to say and so much to do! I urge you to take a look...I do not think that you will regret it!! Now go to your space and make art!!
Artfully Yours,