Breaking out of the egg...

Here is another completed picture for the show I am preparing for! Breaking out of the egg is the title of this piece. I often feel "trapped" inside my own egg. Especially when I compare my art to others, think I can't do anything right, get into the FEAR zone...Fear of failure, but better yet, Fear of success. So this picture shows and tells me how colorful life is, how creative energy is so individual. How others can relate to the same feelings that I have so I know that I am not alone, and I know I have something to say with my art. The egg is the idea, the hatching is honoring myself and that idea! So, by having this show I AM BREAKING OUT OF MY EGG! The comfort zone of myself and my studio, doing something totally different from what I usually do...This is the beginning, the hatching of the new ideas, the hatching of the ideas that stir in my soul...This is the beginning...
And that is my wish for all today...Honor your hatching, honor your ideas, because you cannot fly if you remain in your egg!
Artfully Yours,

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