Strut Your Stuff!

So I am keeping on track with the plan of doing one painting every two days...Some of the paintings overlap between drying time, but I am extremely proud of myself that I continue on one small step at a time with this project. It would be easier on some days to give up and throw in the towel. Some days I just don't have the vision of a painting, some days I just don't feel "good enough" to do a painting.And then there are other days like the painting here...Where it flows freely and I end up loving the picture and the meaning behind it. The title of this painting is " Strut Your Stuff" and sometimes that is just what you have to do. Believing in yourself and your abilities is a wonderful thing, and knowing that the message you have to share is something everyone can relate to is powerful. So that is my wish for all today, that you strut your stuff, whatever it may be. Know that if you are putting 100% into it you will get that all back in the positive feeling you will walk away with for yourself and the manifestation of your dreams.
Artfully Yours,

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