January 4, 2009

Day 4...
The toast of the day....A flower...EYE-RIS...which gives you a fresh new view!! ...I am trying to add more humor to my life!! ... LOL....SURPRISE! the prompts here were about gravity...and I just kept seeing bubbles...bubbles floating in the air...some popping...some continuing on into the unknown...and the song came to my mind....Row..row..row your boat...gently down the stream...merrily...merrily...merrily...merrily...Life is but a dream....That song always makes me smile for some reason...and to that I say keep dreaming!!!! I have never thought much about boxer shorts...which also made me laugh...(it seemes to be a good day for laughing!) So I designed a pair...that were Questions and ASS-ers!!! (I know...somewhat junior high school level humor...but I am laughing!!) And the Goddess in me....well she needs a NEW TIARA!!! and it definitely has to go to the top of the list!! Every good goddess wears a tiara....(note to self...get one to wear while you do these journal pages!!) I am so ENJOYing these pages of discovery!
Artfully Yours,

PS: Tomorrow along with my journal page....I will be interviewing JILL BADONSKY right here about the AWE-MANAC...along with sharing a page from the book and my own page! What a wonderful day it is going to be!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I enjoying seeing your page each day. I had not heard of the book but seeing what you are doing makes me want to buy it and join in. I love how you journal. The colors and the way you break up the page with swirls, etc. Great to look at. Keep it coming!